Sunday, September 27, 2015

I have decided to start this blog because I believe the people of Ocala, FL and surrounding areas should be aware of this person. Why she is the way she is I have no idea.

I can be very trusting at times. Joy choose to become friends with me. Since I was new in the area it made me feel good. Looking back I see how foolish it was to take this person on their words.

Here is a direct quote written to me because I called her out on trying to break up a 30 year marriage. When you meet someone and they share their story you just listens. Joy Forbes I believe thought I was wealthy due to some public information. In Florida pretty much everything is out there.

So before I go any further here is the message which is a quote....

"So here is some truth from me. I think you are a private investigator. Weird how we met right? I have told you so much BS because this is what I think. Do you really think I would tell someone I just met the things I've told you. Red flags: you say you don't have any family left. Don't want to talk about family. Your past is a mystery. Umm hello do you think all people are stupid? Oh yes, you do. p.s. Will McDonald is my cousin lol, and everyone on my page knows it! Including Rex!"
                                                                                        ~Joy Forbes, Ocala Fl
                                                                                           Realtor & Waitress at Ocala Country Club

Now can you imagine meeting someone innocently and they go thru all this, not just for a short time but for just over a year. I can't even comprehend it. I have had a few courses in psychology  and yes there are names but I am not a professional so I will leave it at that.

Now as long as nothing is a lie I can write what I choose, I believe its called freedom of speech.

Of course there were things I didn't tell her because something inside screamed crazy lady. So I was as sweet as could be. Now after all this happened a few days ago I decided since she called me a private investigator I would check and see if I was.

Amazing information I found. Of course I am not done quite yet but if I have to guess I think someone might have something against her because she sure has gone thru a lot of changing information and even getting a divorce.

People that play with fire should be very careful they don't get burnt themselves. See you soon with the next chapter.